
Cork South Civil Defence – River Bandon Search – November 2011

17 November 2011

Cork South Civil Defence was activated by Gardaí at Bandon Garda Station at 12:30pm on Monday 14thNovember 2011 to assist in the search for a missing person on the Bandon River. A Civil Defence boat was launched at Bandon Bridge at 2.00pm. A search on both sides of the river bank also commenced at this… Read More

Regional Exercises 2011 – Dublin, 20th November 2011

7 November 2011

Dublin Civil Defence hosted the seventh and final tranche of the 2011 Regional Exercises on Sunday 20thNovember. The Competition included five competitive sites comprising Footdrill, in the Tallaght Stadium Car Park, and Casualty/Rescue, Flood Defence, Communications and Team Task, at the Tallaght Stadium and at Bohernabreena.Four teams, namely Kildare, Meath, Cavan and Wicklow competed. At… Read More

Meath Civil Defence – Launch of Search Dog “Phoenix” – October 2011

7 November 2011

Meath Civil Defence unveiled the newest addition to the organisations search management team in the form of PHOENIX, a golden retriever search dog. Phoenix has been in training with his handler, Kealan McMoreland, assistant unit leader in the Trim unit for the past eighteen months and was formally placed on active availability for search operations… Read More

Wexford Ambulance Service – Appreciation of Civil Defence Training

7 November 2011

Wexford People October 2011

Limerick County & City Civil Defence – Donation of Toyota Crew Cabs, October 2011

7 November 2011

Limerick City Civil Defence and Limerick County Civil Defence recently took delivery of two Toyota Hilux Double Cab vehicles from the proceeds of the JP McManus Invitational Pro-Am 2010.These rugged performance vehicles are most suited to Civil Defence operations and can be used to transport personnel and equipment over difficult terrain and in adverse weather… Read More