
3 Day Conference Sao Paulo, Brazil

22 August 2018

Dublin Civil Defence Officer, James McConnell delivered a lecture on EU Preparedness and Prevention in Disasters and the Role of Civil Defence in Urban Resilience during a disaster to the Conference in Sao Paulo Brazil.  Photographed with the head of the Brazilian Civil Defence Col. Helena dos Santos Reis.

Civil Defence Officer Post – Wexford

21 August 2018

Fleadh Cheoil na hEireann – Drogheda

10 August 2018

Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann runs from 12th to 19th August. This years the event is being held in Drogheda. Louth Civil Defence will be on duty throughout the week providing casualty and ambulance cover. They will be assisted by Civil Defence volunteers from Meath, Monaghan, Cavan and Dublin. In total 60 Civil Defence volunteers will… Read More

Chinese Delegation Visit Dublin Civil Defence

9 August 2018

  A Delegation of Hangzou Administration of Work Safety paid a visit to Dublin Civil Defence Headquarters on Tuesday morning, 7th August.  The Dublin Civil Defence Unit benefitted from an excellent sharing of information with their Bureau Director Zheng Hongbiao and his travelling Directors.

EMT Training Day – Sligo

25 July 2018

A very successful Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) training day was held in Enniscrone in Sligo on Saturday 14th July in conjunction with Sligo Fire Service (Enniscrone Branch). A number of Doctors from A&E Sligo University Hospital were in attendance. They delivered presentations on various topics , observed the exercise after lunch and acted as the receiving… Read More

Leitrim Search Operation

25 July 2018

Leitrim Civil Defence was tasked by An Garda Síochána at 8am on Tuesday 24th July to assist with the search for a man in his thirties missing in the Ballinamore area. The Sligo based Coastguard Helicopter was also tasked. Following a review of CCTV footage the search was focussed on the Canal in the town…. Read More

Heroics of Sligo Civil Defence Volunteer

24 July 2018

On 16th July Sligo Civil Defence Volunteer, Cathal O’Gara was called into action at his workplace when a lorry driver fell ill and collapsed. Cathal initiated CPR, attached the workplace AED to the person in question and administered two shocks prior to the arrival of the HSE Ambulance crew.  Following the second shock the casualty… Read More

Upgrade of Civil Defence Fleet

24 July 2018

On Tuesday 17th July, Minister with responsibility for Defence, Mr Paul Kehoe, TD announced the decision to ring-fence €500,000 for new vehicles for Civil Defence in 2019 as part of the Dormant Accounts Action Plan. The Dormant Accounts Fund is resourced by the unclaimed accounts and life assurance policies in financial institutions and insurance undertakings… Read More

Handover of 4WD Vehicle to Waterford CD

12 July 2018

Benbulben Music Festival

11 July 2018

Sligo Civil Defence provided first aid cover for the first ever Benbulben Music festival in Grange, Co Sligo which featured all the famous Country and Western Stars namely: Jimmy Buckley, Michael English, Patrick Feeney, Derek Ryan, Mike Denver , Cliona Hagan. A crowd of almost 4,000 attended with the biggest dance floor laid out on… Read More