
Search Dog Training Weekend 8th – 10th April 2016

13 April 2016

Civil Defence Search Dog Teams from Dublin, Meath & Tipperary came together on the weekend of the 8th to the 10th of April to be assessed by a veteran British Police Dog trainer. The assessment was designed to determine each dog team’s ability in a variety of different search environments. The assessment commenced at 10pm… Read More

Galway Missing Person Searches

12 April 2016

Searches are continuing for two persons reported missing from the Galway City area. One male was seen entering the water at O’Brien’s Bridge on the 10th March 2016 and the second male was reported missing on the 31st March 2016. Civil Defence members are conducting searches with Gardaí  on the Oranmore coastal area and Civil… Read More

March Photo of the Month Winner

12 April 2016

Congratulations to Alan Russell, Dublin Civil Defence on winning the March Photo of the Month Competition. A €50 One4All voucher is on its way to you. The competition is open again for April – if you’re not in you can’t win. There will be a €50 One for All voucher awarded to the winner each… Read More

Skibbereen Flooding

11 April 2016

Cork West – Flood Response Cork West Civil Defence personnel were deployed on Sunday 10th April in Skibbereen to support the Local Authority in flood response operations. A total of 15 volunteers were deployed from 5.30pm to 10.30pm. Two 4WD Vehicles and the Incident Response Vehicle were utilised. Volunteer members were engaged in sandbagging at… Read More

1916 Commemoration Event – Easter Sunday

7 April 2016

Congratulations to the 100+ members of Civil Defence who took part in the Easter 1916 commemorative parade in Dublin on Sunday 27th March 2016. You represented Civil Defence with great distinction. There has been some very positive feedback on the appearance and drill work of the Civil Defence contingent in the parade. This reflects well… Read More

Sligo – Missing Person Search

5 April 2016

Sligo Civil Defence was requested by the Gardaí  to assist with the search of a missing person in the Culleens area of Sligo on Thursday 24th March last.  The person went missing following a road traffic accident on Tuesday night 22nd March .  Gardaí,  the Garda Search Dog Unit, Coast Guard Helicopter,  21 Civil Defence… Read More

Roscommon Civil Defence – Feature on Irish TV (Channel 191)

30 March 2016

Roscommon Civil Defence will this evening feature in a 30 minute programme on Irish TV – Sky Channel 191. The programme which includes footage of Roscommon Civil Defence in action and a number of interviews is airing at 5.30 pm.        

Easter 2016 Parade Dublin – 27th March 2016

27 March 2016

100 Civil Defence Volunteers participated in today’s Easter 2016 Parade in Dublin.  Well done to all involved, with all your hard work and dedication over the last couple of months, it was well paid off. Ye did us proud. Below are some photographs from the day. Easter 2016 Parade Dublin

Civil Defence Participation in the 1916 Commemorations

24 March 2016

Civil Defence will play an important part in Sundays 1916 commemoration event  in Dublin. 100 Civil Defence volunteers will take part in the main parade through the city centre. The parade will also include a Civil Defence boat and some vehicles. As well as the volunteers in the parade, a further 150 volunteers will be… Read More

Kerry Civil Defence – Appreciation Dinner

23 March 2016

Approximately 60 members of Kerry Civil Defence attended a dinner on Saturday 19th March at the Manor Hotel Tralee. This enjoyable event was organised in appreciation of the outstanding service given by Kerry Civil Defence volunteers during the prolonged bad weather of the past winter. Long Service medals were also presented to a number of… Read More