Monaghan Civil Defence Exercise 5th/6th December 2015

18 December 2015

Civil Defence held a county training day on the weekend of 5-6 December in Monaghan Town. Volunteers were tested on two core skills; communications and casualty treatment.


Communications played a big part in the efficient running of the training exercise to test the effectiveness of the Civil Defence communication systems. Control was set up in a car park to the rear of St. Patrick’s Hall. The staff that operated the control centre monitored Civil Defence Volunteers GPS radio. Any problems encountered during the day were managed efficiently from the control centre. Volunteers were given specific tasks and relayed the information back to control.

Casualty briefing given to Civil Defence Teams:

Scenario: Man with knife walks into the hall where a party is taking place. He is looking for one  individual who he severely injured with the knife. People try to restrain him and more get injured. He has now been arrested.  There are at least five reported casualties. One person who may be injured is missing in the building.

Civil Defence teams arrive on scene and now start to treat the casualties.

Weather conditions on the day were very difficult, but all tasks were completed successfully and everybody deemed the training exercise a great success.

Photographs from Monaghan County Exercise