
Be Winter Ready 2023-2024

7 December 2023

  The Government ‘Be Winter Ready’ 2023 – 2024 Information Campaign was launched on 18 October 2023. The campaign was jointly launched by Micheál Martin T.D, Tánaiste and Minister for Defence, and Jack Chambers T.D Minister of State Transport with responsibility for International and Road Transport and Logistics. The 2023 – 2024 campaign focuses on… Read More

Civil Defence Magazine 2023

7 December 2023


Kerry Civil Defence – Historics Rally, Killarney

6 December 2023

The Historics Rally, Killarney on the weekend of 2-3 December was the last big duty of the year undertaken by Kerry Civil Defence. The Unit provided boat crews and ambulance cover for the duration of the event. In spite of the arctic weather conditions dedicated volunteers braved the elements to provide assistance and contributed to… Read More

Meath Civil Defence – Enfield Christmas Market

4 December 2023

Meath Civil Defence volunteers getting acquainted with Santa at the Enfield Christmas Market where they provided medical cover over the weekend of 1-3  December.  

Louth Civil Defence – Special Olympics, Polar Plunge

4 December 2023

Louth Civil Defence volunteers braved the arctic temperatures on Saturday 2nd December, supporting the annual Polar Plunge for Special Olympics Ireland.

Limerick Certificate Presentation Evening

29 November 2023

Members of Limerick Civil Defence attended the commemoration for deceased members and a Certificate Presentation Ceremony on Friday last, 24th November.  Invited guests for the evening were the Mayor of Limerick Councillor Gerald Mitchel and Niall Ó’Muircheartaigh who represented the Department of Defence.

Hospital Transfer – Dublin to Donegal

15 November 2023

Great cooperation between Dublin and Donegal Civil Defence on Tuesday 14th November, transporting  three week old baby girl and her mother from the Children’s Hospital Crumlin to Letterkenny, Co Donegal.

Sea2Summit Adventure Race – Westport

13 November 2023

On Saturday 11th November Mayo Civil Defence volunteers provided medical resources and operational support to the 2023 Sea2Summit adventure race in Westport which attracted over 2,000 competitors. Civil Defence was assisted on the day by Roscommon Civil Defence and Murray Ambulance working alongside An Garda Síochána Traffic Corps and race organisers.

Team Hope – Christmas Shoebox Appeal

13 November 2023

Cork North and East Civil Defence, ably assisted by Cork City Civil Defence have been busy in recent days collecting shoe boxes in the Cork North area for the Team Hope, Christmas Shoe Box Appeal. A truly worthwhile cause.

FAI Cup Final – Aviva Stadium

13 November 2023

Dublin Civil Defence provided Fire, Rescue and Medical Cover for the FAI Cup Final in the Aviva Stadium on Sunday afternoon, 12th November. A very busy night for the Auxiliary Fire Service (AFS) crews and Medical Team.